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Terms of Sales

These general conditions of use are up to date as of 10/22/2024

This site is owned and operated by Cube Digital Media Limited, a Limited Company under Irish law with a share capital of ten (10) euros, registered with the Irish Trade and Companies Register under number 717296, having its registered office at Ballycoolen Road Block 1, Blanchardstown Corporate Park 1, Dublin 15, Republic of Ireland ("Safe-PDF", or "we").

The Company is the owner and publisher of the safe-pdf.com website. The Website is hosted by Amazon Web Services, a company incorporated under American law domiciled at 1200 12th Avenue South Suite 1200, Seattle WA 98114.

1. Object

Safe-PDF provides its Members with a document converter service at www.safe-pdf.com, which companies and individuals can use on their own responsibility.

These T & Cs govern your access to the Site and the Services as well as their use.

When registering on the Site, you will be invited to tick a box confirming that you have read and accept the T & Cs, which will form a valid contract between you and Safe-PDF.

For the purposes of these T & Cs, terms entirely in capital letters or with the first letter in capital letters, whether used in the singular or in the plural, have the following meaning:

2. definitions

In this document,

"T & Cs": refers to these General Conditions of Use.

"Company": refers to the publisher and owner of the Website.

"Site": refers to the online electronic service published by the Company, accessible at the address www.safe-pdf.com, as well as all related elements.

"Services": refers to all the services, products, content, characteristics, technologies and functionalities that are accessible through the Site.

"Conversion": designates one of the functions for changing the format from one document to another offered by the Site.

"Member": refers to any natural or legal person having an Account on the Site.

"Personal space": refers to the personal space made available to Members where you can convert your documents, store them and contact www.safe-pdf.com.

"Online assistance": refers to all the assistance services made available to Members such as operators whose mission is to assist Members for any request made through a telephone exchange, e- mail or via the contact page of our Site.

"Subscription": refers to the paid monthly subscription to which Members can subscribe on the Site. The Member subscribes to the Services for an indefinite period from the validation by the Company. This subscription is non-binding and can be canceled at any time by the Member.

"Trial Period": refers to the period of forty-eight (48) hours during which the Member enjoys unlimited access to the Services on the Site without being charged the price of the Subscription. Said Trial Period systematically occurs within the framework of a promotional offer.

"Promotional offer": refers to unlimited access to the Services offered on the Website for the duration of the Trial Period. Registration of the Member for the Promotional Offer automatically entails the subscription to the Subscription. The Promotional Offer allows the Member in particular to try the Service before the Subscription is charged

3. Opening of an account and consent of the member

3.1 conditions

It is imperative that the member is at least 18 years old to be able to access our Services, which you must certify, if applicable, when opening the Account.

You must, where applicable, have the power to bind the company you represent. You certify that you have the power to bind the company or entity on whose behalf you are accessing our Services, and that the latter fully accepts T&C.

3.2 account creation

The company provides the services to members on the site as indicated in article 4. In order to subscribe to the Services, the Member will follow the procedural steps indicated on the Site. He will fill in all the fields allowing him to identify himself, to select the Services and the methods of payment. The Member must ensure, before using the Site, that he has the technical and IT resources necessary to use the Site, and that his browser allows secure access to the Site. The Member must also ensure that the computer configuration of his material / equipment is in good condition and does not contain viruses.

By using the Website and using the Services, the Member acknowledges and confirms having read, understood and accepted these T & Cs in their entirety without any reservation.

It will be impossible to access our Services for anyone who is not a Member.

3.3 password

You are responsible for your account password and you must keep it confidential. In addition, you agree to notify us of any unauthorized access to your Account or any breach of the security of your Account. This includes the loss or theft of your login information.

4. description of services

The Site is an online platform operating by subscription and on which, as a Member:

  • You can unlimitedly convert multiple document formats to PDF such as Word, Excel, Powerpoint, JPEG and vice versa.
  • You can communicate and exchange with Safe-PDF by email and chat.
  • You can upload your documents.
  • You get online support including all services related to account management, subscriptions and document conversions. This service results in the possibility of contacting advisers by telephone, chat or e-mail to obtain information on the Site or on the Services.
  • All the services mentioned above are only available to Members of Safe-PDF, which results in the subscription to our Subscription plan.

    5. subscription to services on the site and subscription

    All the Services offered by Safe-PDF are described with the greatest possible accuracy above. We reserve the right to modify the content on the Site at any time without having to notify Members.

    The member will find the services to which he has access on the order summary. The member has the possibility to modify the chosen Conversion as well as his information before proceeding to the subscription of our promotional Offer.

    Before validating the subscription to our promotional offer, the member must confirm acceptance of these T & Cs by checking the validation box provided for this purpose. A clear and legible payment statement appears next to the Order validation icon to ensure that the Member explicitly acknowledges their obligation to pay for the Order.

    Following the acceptance of the GTC by the Member and the validation of his subscription to our promotional offer with payment obligation, the contract will be concluded with the Company and the Member which will bind them to each other.

    The Company will send the Member an order confirmation by e-mail summarizing all the details of his order as well as his identifiers allowing access to his personal space.

    6. price and terms of payment for the order

    It is imperative that the Member pays the amount of the Monthly Subscription or only that of the Trial Period, as described on the Site, in order to be able to access the Services offered by Safe-PDF. The price of the Subscription and of the Trial Period are indicated on the Site in euros (€) All taxes included (TTC). They include the amount of VAT applicable on the day of subscription.

    The Subscription to the Service is concluded for an indefinite period from the date of subscription, the Subscription is non-binding and can be terminated at any time by the Member.

    The amount of the Subscription as well as that of the Trial Period can be modified at any time by Safe-PDF. The Member will be informed in advance 10 days before the end of your current Subscription, so they will be free to renew their Subscription or not.

    The Trial Period as well as the Subscription are payable in advance through a direct debit from the payment method indicated on the Site. If Safe-PDF observes a payment default on the part of the Member, we will represent the payment. In the event of a new payment default, Safe-PDF reserves the right to terminate the Services from which the Member benefits, without compensation at his expense, but without prejudice to the option left to him to claim payment of the sums due from the Member. and all the repairs of which Safe-PDF considers itself a victim.

    Safe-PDF uses a service provider specializing in securing online payments to guarantee the security of payments in place on the Site. The bank card transaction made between the Member and the secure payment system is encrypted, the Company will never have access to the full number of the Member's bank card. This guarantees the Member the total confidentiality of his banking information.

    The Member guarantees to the Company that he has the necessary authorizations to use the method of payment, when placing the Order.

    7. access to services and personal space

    The Company undertakes to ensure that the Member has access to the Services as agreed in these T & Cs. Services.

    Following the subscription by the Member to the Trial Period, they will be provided with the necessary identifiers to allow them to access their Personal Space. The Member is fully responsible for keeping his login details confidential in order to keep his Personal Space secure. The Member is under an obligation to immediately inform the Company of any unauthorized use of their credentials. Only the Member will be held responsible for loss or damage resulting from his inability to keep his login details secret.

    The Company cannot be held responsible if the inaccessibility of the Services is due to the act of a third party beyond its responsibility.

    8. help desk

    Following the subscription to a Trial Period or to a Subscription, the Member will have the possibility of contacting Online Assistance for information or to make a complaint.

    9. rules of conduct for members on the site

    The Member agrees to comply with the terms of these GTCS.

    The Member agrees to use the Website and the Services in accordance with the instructions of the Company.

    For the good of all Members, the use of the Site is subject to various rules. Thus, by using this Site, you agree:

  • To use the Website in a legal manner, and more generally not to do anything that may be contrary to Applicable Laws and these GTCS.
  • Not to infringe the rights of Safe-PDF and its Affiliates, in particular its intellectual property rights.
  • Not to attempt to gain unauthorized access to the website's computer system, not to use any device, software or other elements that may affect the proper functioning of the Site.
  • Not to denigrate the Website and/or the Services as well as the Company on social networks and any other means of communication.
  • Not to open an account in the name of anyone other than yourself.
  • The Company reserves the right to remove a Member's access to the Site and to take all legal and criminal measures against him if for any reason the Company considers that the Member is not respecting these GTCS.

    10. waiver of the legal right of withdrawal - cancellation and refund of a subscription

    In accordance with article L.121-25 of the Consumer Code, the Member acknowledges that the performance of the Services provided by the Company will be carried out before the end of the legal withdrawal period and therefore expressly waives his right of legal withdrawal

    As part of a Subscription with a promotional Offer and from the validation of the Order, the Member has a period of forty-eight hours to contact the Company and request the cancellation of any Subscription subscription. monthly.

    If a Member is not satisfied with the services offered by the Company, he has the possibility to use the “Satisfied or Reimbursed” option and to request the reimbursement of one or more monthly payments of his Subscription by contacting with the Company via phone, chat or e-mail.

    Following the cancellation of the Monthly Subscription before the end of the forty-eight hour trial period or in the event of exercise of the “Satisfied or Refunded” option, the Company will reimburse the Member via the same means of payment as that used for the initial Order. If the Member's refund is impossible due to a change in the Member's bank details since the date of the initial Order, the Company cannot be held responsible. If such a situation should arise, the Member is invited to contact the Company to agree on another reimbursement solution. If the Member is at the origin of a bank fraud consisting in a false declaration of loss or theft of his bank card following the purchase of a Service on the Site, the Company will not be required to reimburse the Member. . In addition, the Member will remain liable for payment of all sums due to the Company.

    11. termination of the subscription

    The Subscription taken out by the Member is a subscription that does not include a long-term commitment, so it will suffice for the Member to notify the Company by e-mail, chat or telephone of his wish to end the Subscription for it to end. The Member also has the possibility of canceling his Subscription on the Site.

    Any termination will take effect from the end of the month of the current subscription that remains due. From the effective date of termination, the Member no longer has access to the Member Area or to the Services.

    12. responsibility

    All the measures necessary for the proper provision of the service will be put in place by the Company. However, the Company may not be held responsible for the poor performance or the non-performance of all or part of the Service if this is due to the Member, to the unforeseeable and insurmountable fact of a third party foreign to the Order or to a case of major force. If the Company were to be held liable, it could not agree to compensate the Member for direct or indirect damage without proof being established.

    All efforts will be made by the Company to allow accessibility to the Site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Under no circumstances can the Company be held responsible for unavailability due to constraints due to the operation of the Internet, maintenance operations, any failure or bug, any event beyond its control or force majeure beyond the reasonable control of the Company.

    Links to other sites not published and controlled by the Company may be present on the Site. Under no circumstances can the Company be held responsible for the operation, content or any element present or obtained through these sites. The presence of these links on the Site should not be interpreted as an express or tacit endorsement by the Company of the content or services provided by these sites. The company cannot be held responsible for the availability of these sites or control their content, advertising, products or any other content.

    If Members' e-mail should reject, for example due to anti-spam, e-mails sent by the Company, and in particular, a copy of the payment ticket or the summary of the Order or more largely any other e-mail originating from the Company, under no circumstances can the Company be held responsible.

    13. personal data

    In accordance with the law of January 6, 1978 relating to computers, files and freedoms, as amended, the Member is informed that the Company is collecting and processing their personal data in order to enable them to process and execute his Order (s) placed on the Website.

    It is imperative that the Site has access to the following information for the ordering process to proceed without blocking: name, first name, electronic address (e-mail).

    Service providers and in particular hosting providers established outside the European Union may have access to Members' personal data. The Company has entered into personal data transfer agreements with these service providers comprising standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission.

    It is possible for the Member to appeal to a right of opposition, rectification, deletion and access to personal data concerning him as well as a right of opposition for a legitimate reason exercisable under the conditions provided for by law by sending an email to the Company at the address [email protected] specifying his name, first name, email address and order number.

    The information relating to the Member will only be transmitted by the Company to service providers for the purpose of maintenance, hosting of the Site and execution of orders within the limits of the information strictly necessary for the successful completion of the latter.

    In accordance with CNIL deliberation n ° 2013-378 of December 5, 2013, the Company also informs the Member that cookies record certain information which is stored in the memory of its hard drive. This information is used to generate site audience statistics and to offer Services according to the Services they have already selected during their previous visits. A warning message, in the form of a banner, asks each person visiting the Website, beforehand, if the Member wishes to accept cookies. These cookies do not contain confidential information about Members of the Website.

    Whatever page of the Site the Member goes to directly from a search engine, he will be informed:

  • the precise purposes of the cookies used.
  • the ability to oppose these cookies and change the settings by clicking on a link in the banner.
  • and the fact that the continuation of its navigation constitutes agreement to the deposit of cookies on its terminal.
  • The Cookies banner will not disappear until the Member has continued browsing, this allows us to guarantee the free and informed consent of the Member regarding Cookies.

    Without the prior consent of the Member, cookies will not be placed and read

  • if the Member goes to the Website (home page or directly to another page of the Site from a search engine for example) and does not continue browsing: a simple lack of action does not could in fact be assimilated to a manifestation of will.
  • or if he clicks on the link in the banner allowing him to configure cookies and, if applicable, refuses the placement of cookies.
  • 14. intellectual property

    This Site is operated by Safe-PDF and its affiliates.

    Elements such as logos, brands, trade names, images, texts, illustrations, audio files, video files as well as the selection, coordination and combination of such elements are the exclusive property of the Company and are protected by copyright, trademark law, designs and / or all other intellectual property rights. All of these rights are reserved for the whole world.

    Once a Member you become the beneficiary of a non-exclusive, revocable, personal and non-transferable license to use the Site, for your personal use, or that of the company you represent, and in accordance with the purpose of the Site.

    Questions or comments relating to a site foreign to the Company should be addressed to the operators of these sites, all links to this Site are prohibited without the express prior authorization of the Company.

    Any use by the Member of the corporate names, brands and distinct signs belonging to the Company is strictly prohibited except in the event of the Company's express prior consent.

    15. applicable law and attribution of jurisdiction

    These T & Cs are governed by and interpreted in accordance with Irish law, without taking into account the principles of conflicts of laws.

    In the event of a dispute that may arise during the interpretation and / or execution of these Terms or in connection with these T & Cs, the Member may decide to submit the dispute with the Company to a procedure for conventional mediation or any other alternative dispute resolution method. The Member may in particular contact the courts of Dublin, Ireland. The Member acknowledges that before undertaking any mediation process, he must first contact the Company by phone, chat or e-mail at: [email protected] in order to assert your right to Refund (see 10. Exercise of the "Satisfied or Refunded" option).

    If this mediation procedure fails or if the Member wishes to seize a court, the rules of the Code of Civil Procedure will apply.

    16. Date of Update

    10/22/2024 Version 1.0